Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 Manga/Graphic Novel Challenge

And I also read manga. I've never read anything that has been classified as graphic novel. (I'm being technical here. I usually read manga but nothing that is independent on its own.) I want to get back to my animanga roots so I'm signing up for this challenge. I'm doing the Modern Age level. One comic to read and review a month. Wish me luck!

2015 Contemporary Reading Challenge Sign Up

Hi guys. You know I read romance right? Well I want to stretch my wings a bit. (Not much but normally I read historical and more often YA.) So I've decided to sign up for this challenge. I'm doing the 1st base level and trying to read 1-5 books. (I'm leaning towards 5. I know have books that fit this challenge and this will force me to read them. :P) So here's the badge.

2015 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian Mini Review

Not That Kind of GirlNot That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Natalie reminds me a lot of myself. And that made me uncomfortable but understanding. I was extremely judgmental when I was her age and I regret that I slut shamed one of my close friends. But I grew up and in this story Natalie does too.

I liked Spencer a lot. I felt like she was Natalie's foil in a lot of ways. She was very woman positive but in a different way from Natalie and Ms. Bee. She didn't think that women need to be perfect to be accepted. Natalie's view is my view these days.

This was an extremely enjoyable book. It flew through the reading of it. I'm definitely going to keep my eye for more stuff from this author.

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Really enjoyed this book. I think I'm going to check out the List by this author.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

#scandal by Sarah Ockler review (Spoilers)

#scandal#scandal by Sarah Ockler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The title of this book is what drew me in initially. I mean a hashtag? Come on wouldn't you pick that up? But the whole concept of the book is what made me keep reading. I love books that take on our virtual culture. I remember I was reading a post on In it they were talking about how books (particularly literary fiction) were slow to include things that are commonplace in our lives now. You know like Twitter, Facebook, texting, sexting, cyberbulling and all that.

But I've noticed that genre fiction book (Romance in my case since I'm most familiar with that genre) had embraced it.

I read the reviews on here and I have to agree that while romance is a part of this story it's not really one. I feel like this book was more a study on modern teenagers in this decade you know?

I thought at first that I knew who the culprit was behind Lucy's smear campaign and I ended up being right it was (view spoiler) But I liked the moral of this story. It was really well done.

Four stars. I really enjoyed this book. Didn't quite love it though.

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Like I said I really like the author's take on cyberbulling. I wouldn't necessarily call this a straight out romance though. More like a romantic subplot.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mad Girl's Love Song: Sylvia Plath and Life Before Ted by Andrew Wilson Review

Mad Girl's Love Song: Sylvia Plath and Life Before TedMad Girl's Love Song: Sylvia Plath and Life Before Ted by Andrew Wilson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this biography right up to the very end. I felt like it blamed Hughes for Sylvia's death. Look the biographer may know more about the situation from the letters and the archives but at the end of the day they know the same amount about Hughes and Plath's relationship as I do: nothing. Those two know what went down in their relationship. Of course you have recollection from third party sources but serious it was their relationship. And seeing as it's a biographer's job to be impartial (It should be anyway) that last bit really upset me.

But for the most part this was a well written biography. I like that it focused on the early years. I really enjoyed it up until the end.

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I guess going by the subtitle I should have known Hughes wouldn't come out smelling like roses but I did not pay attention to that. A really nice biography but not as impartial as biographer should be. At least with the end of the book and the afterword.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger Review + A Little Brief Note

I haven't been updating much about the Fifty Days of Grey. I haven't forgotten about but I've take a little break. I intend to get back to it next year though so look out for the posts.

I just finished a book though. I've been in a young adult mood lately. I went to the library for the first time in months to check out some books. This is one of them.

A Midsummer's NightmareA Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my second Kody Keplinger and I enjoyed just as much as I did the first.

She writes family drama really well. I think that's one of the reasons I enjoy them so much. I empathized with Whitley a lot during this book esp. with the father thing. I didn't have the exact same situation as she did but I felt myself nodding along with her when she was describing her relationship with her father. Luckily I had a very present mother unlike she did but it hurts to know that your parent doesn't care.

And I agree with someone who said it was felt like Greg took to long to come around. But it was a good climax.

And strangely I didn't find the dating the stepbrother thing too weird. Maybe I've been watching too much Clueless.

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