Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wide Sargossa Sea by Jean Rhys

Wide Sargasso SeaWide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had heard of this book before through it's connection with Jane Eyre. But I put off reading for awhile.

It was until I read a postcolonial criticism of that I really felt the urge to read it. I wanted to buy it but then I realized that the library had a copy.

So I checked it out and I think now after finishing it I will buy my own copy.

The prose reads easily. I feel like the word I would describe the writing as is smooth. I don't know if that makes sense but it just flowed along. The footnotes were really helpful as well.

I felt like I could get along with Antoinette. I felt like I could empathize with her and that is very important when I'm reading.

Strangely while I was reading Part Two I could I felt like I could empathize with Rochester as well and I still don't quite understand why but it was interesting reading from his POV. The only compliant I might have is that he didn't seem quite as...brash as he did in Jane Eyre. He seemed more subdued but I felt like the whole book felt like that.

Part Three was the shortest. I was waiting for the end and I felt like Rhys described it beautifully. This was a really beautiful book.

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I do rec this book but get the Norton Edition if you can. It has footnotes which gives the novel more context. I would have been lost when the narration shifted in Part Two without it. Definitely a good book.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Bronte Sisters by Catherine Reef Review

The Brontë Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily, and AnneThe Brontë Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne by Catherine Reef

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is around the fifth biography I've checked out on a Bronte but only the first that I have finished. I have the massive tome by Juliet Barker but I was overwhelmed when I opened it. I've started and put down several more.

I felt I needed something light to introduce me fully to the sisters. Currently I've only read one book from Charlotte but it really made an impression on me. I've started both Shirley and Vilette but I haven't finished them yet. The same goes for Anne's Agnes Grey.

But reading this I felt like I got a good overview of them. And I reacted to it. Near the end with the family tragedies. I really felt upset. I don't know what it was about this particular book but yeah. I knew how they all died of course but I didn't really feel it until I read this.

I think this a good introduction to the family and it's easy to read. Four stars.

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I am all about biographies this year it seems. Hell I just ordered a book how how to write a biography so....yeeeah.