Now yesterday I had a problem. See I had made notes for chapters 10 and 11 which I had just read of the book. But somehow I was missing chapters 7-9...
I talked about chapters 5 and 6 in the vlog I posted but where did the entries about 7-9 go?
Don't ask me because I don't know either. But a quick google search tells me these are the chapters where the sex does down...ah yes I remember.
My thoughts on these chapters are that I like them. Christian shows her his red room. Then he figures out she's a virgin so he decides he's going to introduce her to sex.
These chapters are like the majority of romance novels. A little steamy but nothing in particular sticks out in my mind. I thought it was sexy though no doubt.
And then I believe chapter 9 ends with Mrs. Grey appearing and then we are caught up with my notes.
Chapter 10
My initial notes:
So this chapter sheds light on Christian's background. We get to meet his mother. She seems sweet. But what really interested me was Christian's introduction to the BDSM lifestyle. His mother's friend introduced him too. Now see Christian just sort of tells this like there's nothing wrong with this picture. But Ana calls it out for what it is: sexual abuse. This makes me think of men that have been abused by women. There are some people that think men can't be abused so I was surprised that Ana picked up on that fact. Kudo Ms. James
I really want to talk about this for a moment. I wasn't expecting to see this in this book. I've heard so much about how controlling Christian is. But I'm surprised no one has talked about this. Sexual abuse on males is touchy subject. It reminds me of when female teachers abuse their male students. I see a lot of commenters (mostly males) say that's the dream life. It reminds me of how Chris Brown doesn't recognize that his first sexual experience was actually rape. So it was an enlightening surprise to see that Ana recognize that what happened to Christian was abuse. I was pleased to read that.
Chapter 11
Initial notes:
So the next chapter opens with the contract. The full fucking contract. Let me tell you I usually like when documents are transcribed in fiction (weird I know) but my eyes were glazing over. But it was kinda shocking. Ana's reaction was my reaction. I can be shy but submissive? Bitch please. But like her I'm still eerily drawn to it.
The emails were much more fun to read. I wrote on GR that it annoyed me when he calls her baby. But apparently if it's prefixed by laters I'm all good. Something about that is cute to me.
I really thought the contract part could have been left out. I don't think I need to see the thing in full. It would have been fine with a summary by Ana. But I really enjoyed the emails by Christian and Ana. Ana comments that sometimes Christian seems his age. He does seem more mature at the beginning but I love the little glimpses that show him as a normal twenty-something man. Those are my favorite. I also like when it says laters baby but I don't like when calls baby by itself. I know it's such a trifle to be picky about but I am so whatevs.