Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Loving Lady Marcia by Kieran Kramer Mini Review

I know it has been awhile since I updated, but that is because the Sims bug bit me sometime in late January and it is just not easing up. But after false starts with my reading, I finally finished one.

Loving Lady Marcia (House of Brady, #1)Loving Lady Marcia by Kieran Kramer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What can I say about this book?

First off, I was really excited to buy it. I'm sure many children of my generation grew up watching the Brady Bunch, but I wasn't sure how this would translate to literature.

I was worried that Marcia would be...how should I say...perfect? I don't know that's just the vibe that I get from her on the show or maybe I've been sipping too much of Jan's juice, whatever.

This Marcia wasn't perfect, but I couldn't really connect to her like I have with other romance heroines. I really liked Duncan and Joe was such a cutie.

But what I really loved about this book was the humor. Ms. Kramer has a good grip on it, I'd say. I know out of the four books I've read from her, I distinctively remember laughing out loud at least once with each of them. I love that.

I would recommend this book, though it shares some things with the TV series, I think it comes into its own.

View all my reviews

Oh and I think a new banner might be in order? Because really this is so a book blog am I right?


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