Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jane by April Lindner Mini Review

JaneJane by April Lindner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I bought this book because I loved the original Jane Eyre novel and I love young adult literature. I didn't expect myself to love the book as much as I did.

I could see the instant parallels between Jane Eyre and this book. But the author made the characters come alive. I felt like they were more than just a copy and paste from the original book. I also loved how the author updated things for a modern setting. It all seemed to fit perfectly.

I really connected with Jane Moore when she left Thornfield Park was recently I've come close to being homeless and I could empathize with her not knowing where to turn and feeling helpless. It just made it seem so much more real.

I give this modern retelling 5 stars. It does the original Jane Eyre novel justice and it reignited my love for the book. I'm looking forward to listening to the audiobook and watching the countless adaptation so I can relive this wonderful story!

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