Tuesday, December 16, 2014

#scandal by Sarah Ockler review (Spoilers)

#scandal#scandal by Sarah Ockler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The title of this book is what drew me in initially. I mean a hashtag? Come on wouldn't you pick that up? But the whole concept of the book is what made me keep reading. I love books that take on our virtual culture. I remember I was reading a post on themillions.com In it they were talking about how books (particularly literary fiction) were slow to include things that are commonplace in our lives now. You know like Twitter, Facebook, texting, sexting, cyberbulling and all that.

But I've noticed that genre fiction book (Romance in my case since I'm most familiar with that genre) had embraced it.

I read the reviews on here and I have to agree that while romance is a part of this story it's not really one. I feel like this book was more a study on modern teenagers in this decade you know?

I thought at first that I knew who the culprit was behind Lucy's smear campaign and I ended up being right it was (view spoiler) But I liked the moral of this story. It was really well done.

Four stars. I really enjoyed this book. Didn't quite love it though.

View all my reviews

Like I said I really like the author's take on cyberbulling. I wouldn't necessarily call this a straight out romance though. More like a romantic subplot.


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